Tag Archives: Jimmy Smits

“In the Heights” Spotlight on Imagination

Into the Heights

Directed by Jon M. Chu and formerly a Broadway musical by Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton), In the Heights centers on an eclectic group of characters living in the neighborhood of Washington Heights, on the northern tip of Manhattan.

It’s based on Broadway, in which a bodega owner has mixed feelings about closing his store and retiring to the Dominican Republic after inheriting his grandmother’s fortune.

The main character of the story is Usnavi, played by Anthony Ramos, as the bodega owner who looks after the aging Cuban lady next door, pines for the gorgeous girl working in the neighboring beauty salon, and dreams of winning the lottery and escaping to the shores of his native Dominican Republic.

Meanwhile, Nina, a childhood friend of Usnavi’s, returns from her first year at college with surprising news for her parents, who have spent their life savings building a better life for their daughter. Ultimately, Usnavi and the residents of the close-knit neighborhood get a dose of what it means to be home.

Thank you, IMDB and Broadway.com, for the information.