Tag Archives: Fernando Leon de Aranoa

Revealing the Absolutely Lowest Relationship “Loving Pablo” Trailer

Written and directed by Fernando Leon de Aranoa and based on the book Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar by Virginia Vallejo, Loving Pablo follows Vallejo’s story about her relationship with Pablo Escobar. He happened to be one of the most powerful drug lords in Columbia. His terror and reign took Colombia down to utter chaos.

The movie brings husband and wife Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz together, which is a brilliant combination. Both are Oscar winners, and I know the acting will be excellent. Other cast members include Peter Sarsgaard, Julieth Restrepo, Maria Victoria Henao, David Valencia, David Ojalvo, and Giselle Da Silva.

Leon de Aranoa received accolades for his movie Mondays in the Sun. He is a Spanish director, and Loving Pablo is in English.

The movie trailer shows how the director captures Colombia’s culture. Viewers will need to keep this in mind as they watch the movie.