Monthly Archives: October 2018

“Vice” Trailer, Movie Clips, Featurettes

It is absolutely uncanny how Christain Bale looks so much like Dick Cheney in Vice.  Bale takes a role and literally becomes the character. This will garnish him another Oscar nomination.

Amy Adams stars as Cheney’s wife with Sam Rockwell as President Bush and Steve Carell as Donald Rumsfeld.

Directed by Adam McKay who is known for writing and directing comedies with Will Ferrell, who also is one of the producers of Vice, takes on this more serious parody movie about a businessman who grew more powerful as the Vice President to George W. Bush.

There are two movie clips. One shows Cheney as a young drunk and the other as a cunning politician.  Each clip captured my attention and the acting is incredible.  I only posted the cunning Cheney because the young drunk clip is not embedding to the site, right now, but  you can click on the young drunk movie clip at the end of movie clip. 

Here are two powerful featurettes describing Lynne Cheney and the influence of Dick Cheney’s realm. With that, it is unbelievable how much Christian Bale looks like the real Cheney.

I saw Vice this week and my first impression is joking and degrading of an ignorant, evil man, who is responsible for killing hundreds of thousands of people. Not to mention, he changed laws that now influence news and social media. Cheney was sneaky and worked his way into power to destroy so many lives. Sure, the movie twists with liberal influence, but those liberals in office at the time are just as responsible for the evil doing.

Christian Bale is fantastic as Cheney. Hats off to the makeup and costume designers. Amy Adams is good, but I will be surprised if she wins the Oscar. I enjoyed the cameos by Naomi Watts and Alfred Molina. Adam McKay wrote a clever screenplay, and he might when an Oscar.

The movie is hitting the streets with Blu-ray and DVD combo packs as well as streaming. The movie is filled with shocking information about our government. It’s wild and crazy to think this actually happened. Cheney is truly evil.

The special features available are worth getting the Blu-ray or DVD including Deleted Scenes, Making of the Movie, and Gallery.

“Silencio” Trailer and Poster

Written and directed by Lorena Villarreal, Silencio is based on her fascination with (la Zona del Silencio) the Zone of Silence in Mexico. It provides supernatural tales time and time again. “We really wanted to focus on the mysteries of all these mysterious occurrences that had no explanations,” says Villarreal. “We did a lot of research, interviewed multiple sources, including certified experts to long-living locals.”

Villarreal story strays from the facts for dramatic storytelling, but she wanted to stay true to the overall facts and tales of the area. Even though there are unknown supernatural elements in the film, the team could preserve the essence of the Zone of Silence. “We are all naturally curious about these types of places—the Pyramids of Giza, the Bermuda Triangle, and finally, the world will learn about the Zone of Silence, which lies on the same parallel line to both of these great areas,” says Villarreal.

The type of odd occurrences in the Zone of Silence, Mexico are Instruments and communications failures, as well as strange happenings, which tie into the many stories of the area, just like Bermuda and the Pyramids, but few people know it exists. “Audiences will be in awe of the Zone of Silence, but they will also be drawn to a story about family and hard choices. Silencio revolves around the life of Ana and her family and how this powerful stone found in the Zone of Silence will affect their future. It is about love, courage and the unknown,” says Villarreal. “The central question Silencio asks is, “How far would you go to save the ones you love?”

Producer Denisse Chapa agrees with Villarreal. “It was important for us to film part of the movie on-site, in the actual location of the Zone of Silence. We were told about some magnetism in the area that may cause all sorts of mechanical failures of equipment, cars, rockets. We were nervous about the footage being affected.”

Chapa explained, “When the team tried to use drones for aerial shots, they experienced some of the local oddities they had heard tales of. The drone got lost, and we did not find it until the next day. So, we experienced some of the mysteries firsthand.”

Ana, played by Melina Matthews, is a young psychiatrist and single mother who lives a quiet life, taking care of her young son and grandfather, Dr. James White, played by John Noble, a world-renowned scientist who now struggles with dementia.

The backstory began in 1970, Dr. White, with the help of his apprentice, Peter, played by Nic Jackman (Rupert Graves plays the older Peter), found a very powerful stone in the Zone of Silence, Mexico, a mysterious place where inexplicable things happen and are often referred to as the “Bermuda Triangle” of Mexico.

After uncovering the stone’s powers, Ana’s grandfather hid it to prevent the terrible consequences it could unleash if it fell into the wrong hands.

Someone now knows the stone’s power and believes it is worth killing for. Ana’s life turns upside down when she realizes she has to find the stone to save her son’s life.

The cast includes Michel Chauvet and Hoze Meléndez.