Yet, if you are a true believer in what the producers bring to bear, then there are so many other things they bring up that just cannot be proved wrong. I am talking about the historical and physical evidence. It is really quite amazing.
The series brings up questions that are hard to answer, though You have contemplate the ancients were more technologically advanced than we are today, or they had help. Unless we know where the technology they used is located because we don’t have it today. These points are hard to determine, and are some of the questions that come up. That is way the show is out of the ordinary.
You get a chance to explore the fascinating chance that ancient aliens formed our history. According to the series, humans have told stories about beings with super-human strength since the man could pain on walls.
The series introduces ideas like tales about Zeus, Thor and Hanuman and even contemporary subjects like Superman and Batman and more helped form the world we live in today. Did these tales originated from oral legends about extraterrestrials? Whether you believe it or not, it is fun to speculate.
Moreover, ancient myths from around the globe, gods are often found intervening in human affairs, from Sumerian myth to the story of Moses. Were these supernatural visitations really the work of aliens using advanced technology to shape our civilization? We’ll also consider whether the reptilian alien, a fixture of science fiction, is reflected in the serpent gods of ancient myth. Could they have been living beings? Find out, and much more.
Another good aspect about the set is the special features like English subtitles for the hearing impaired, 3 discs, 12 episodes and no extras.