Directed by Diederik Van Rooijen, The Possession of Hannah Grace is a horror thriller scripted by Brian Sieve.
The story follows Megan Reed, played by Shay Mitchell, who is working the graveyard shift in the morgue. A new career move for Megan begins a shocking tale caused by an exorcism that spiraled out of control.
Claiming the life of a young woman and months later the dead girl body arrives during Megan’s shift. The disfigured cadaver is not quite dead, though Megan is not aware of the situation until they are locked alone together inside the basement corridors.
Megan experiences horrifying visions and realizes the body may be possessed by a ruthless demonic force.
The second poster is all about Mitchell’s character and her situation of being in the basement corridor, and it’s dark with the demon lurking around to get her.
Mitchell is best known for her role in the TV series Pretty Little Liars and her YouTube Channel.
Van Rooijen is from the Netherlands and directed several films in his country winning a couple of awards. Screenwriter Sieve is best known for writing for TV shows like Teenwolf and Scream. Recently, it was announced Sieve is signed on to script another horror movie called The Exorcism at Lincoln High.
The rest of the cast includes Grey Damon, Kirby Johnson, and Stana Katic.
The movie poster looks a little awkward until I saw the movie trailer. Then, the twisted arm and wrist made sense.