Directed by Carlos Saldanha, Ferdinand follows a giant but reluctant bull with a big heart. After being mistaken for a dangerous beast, he is captured and torn from his home. Determined to return to his family, he rallies a misfit team on the ultimate adventure. Set in Spain, Ferdinand proves you can’t judge a bull by its cover.
Looks like the movie is perfect for kids as a heartwarming animated comedy adventure with a talented cast that includes John Cena, Kate McKinnon, Gina Rodriguez, Anthony Anderson and much more.
Nick Jonas of the former Jonas Brothers band co-wrote and sings in “Home” an original song for the animated feature. “I’ve always wanted to write an original song for a film,” says Jonas. “When they showed me the materials of the movie, Ferdinand, a story I was familiar with, I was thrilled.”
Listen to part of “Home” in this trailer.
Jonas says “Home ” encompasses the film’s theme of acceptance. “I wrote this song with good friends of mine Justin Tranter and Nick Monson,” says Jonas. “And we wrote about feeling accepted and feeling loved, wherever that place is for you. For me it’s home, it’s my family, people I have closest to me, and the experiences we’ve shared.”