Although Downton Abbey, directed by Michael Engler, is no longer a television series, many fans followed the lives of the Crawley family and the servants who worked for them at the turn of the 20th century in an Edwardian English country house.
The movie is streaming and available on Blu-ray and DVD. The first motion picture of Downton Abby is a keeper.
I saw the movie opening weekend; it is everything I imagined it to be and more. The film is like a television series with a significant storyline and many subplots that entertain the audience. Julian Fellowes’s screenplay’s fast-paced and witty dialogue is a pleasure to follow, with the same characters as if nothing has changed. A revelation happens at the end, but other than that, we know everyone else will return.

Over its six seasons, the series garnered three Golden Globe Awards, 15 Primetime Emmy Awards, and 69 Emmy nominations. It acknowledges Downton Abbey as the most nominated non-US television show in the history of the Emmys – even earning a Special BAFTA award and a Guinness World Record for the highest critically rated TV show along the way.

The movie arrives in all its signature storylines. Watching the second movie trailer, we can see those storylines picking up where the television show left off. The benefit of a visit from the King and Queen of England proves to the fans that even though the popular television series is now a movie, nothing is different; Downton Abbey is the same.
The movie is like its television show but with more grandeur. The sneak peek shows the actors’ perspective of returning to Downton Abbey.
The movie clip shows how dialogue can move a story along with the action in the scene.
The following two clips show how the movie is just like the television show. That is an intelligent decision by the producers. The story moves along at a quick pace without any meandering.
Do you recognize Imelda Staunton? She is a Harry Potter alumni and played the caustic evildoer Dolores Umbridge.
The following three clips prove the movie is exactly like the television series: the same women bicker, the same downstairs staff, and the same love between husband and wife.