Directed by Dylan Brown, Wonder Park tells the story of June, voiced by Brianna Denski, who discovers a magical amusement park. The animated tale follows June running in the woods. She is coming home when she stumbles across an old roller coaster car.
She sits in one of the roller coaster cars, and magically she finds herself in Wonderland, an amusement park she had created in her mind and put aside.
Her rides and characters are brought to life but are falling into disarray without her. Now, with the help of her fun and lovable park characters, June will have to put the wonder back in Wonderland before it is lost forever.
Brown worked on several Pixar movies as supervising animator. Wonder Park appears to be his first major movie. Three writers write the screenplay. It looks like Josh Appelbaum, and André Nemec gets the most credit.
Other voices in the movie are Jennifer Garner, Matthew Broderick, John Oliver, Mila Kunis, Kenan Thompson, Ken Jeong, and Norbert Leo Butz.
The second trailer tells us more about the story. The CGI is dazzling.
The movie trailer shows the wonder of the amusement park.
The third trailer tells us more about the story behind the animated movie. The CGI is excellent with the bright colors and synthesized energy.
The commercial for the Super Bowl tells us the release date. We can see that it is a kid’s movie and a lot of fun with crazy animals.