I am so excited that J.J. Abrams is returning to direct the final chapter of the saga from a galaxy far, far away.

The standard cast is returning with some new faces, including Lupita Nyong’o, Mark Hamill, Oscar Isaac, Daisy Ridley, Keri Russell, Adam Driver, Billy Dee Wiliams, and the late Carrie Fisher.
Abrams also co-wrote the screenplay with Chris Terrio, and there appears to be a new Droid.

The red carpet interview with producer Kathleen Kennedy reveals the franchise hasn’t finished yet. Still, the other red carpet interviews with J.J. Abrams and stars talk about this being the last movie of the nine Star Wars movies.
Star Wars is a big box office winner. I side with Kennedy. The space opera stories must continue even if the next one starts with a different group of characters.
The “Special Look” shows the Star Wars past and the movie’s ending. In the middle, we see C-3PO with red eyes. At the end of the footage, we see Rey (or is it Rey) on the Darkside.
The third trailer shows a lot happening in the final movie. All of it is exciting.
Here is a TV spot and yes it advertises to purchase your advance tickets. Not a bad idea considering it will sell out in some locations. The TV spot does offer some clues to the story and new footage. Enjoy!
The Star Wars Culture featurette says it all.
The next featurette is fabulous. Enjoy!
The movie is about legends.
Funny scene, yes, “They fly now.”