Based on a comic book co-written and directed by James Gunn, The Suicide Squad follows a secret government agency that recruits some of the most dangerous incarcerated supervillains. The purpose is to form a defensive task force. Their first mission is saving the world from the apocalypse.
These supervillains are impressive with Quinn, Bloodsport and Peacemaker. Then, there is a collection of cons at Belle Reve prison who join the super-secret, super-shady Task Force X. Here, they are heavily armed and dropped off at the remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese.
Gunn is best known for directing the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. John Ostrander co-wrote the script with Gunn, based on his modern comic book version.
The all-star cast makes the journey of this movie worthwhile. The movie stars: Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Cena, Viola Davis, Taika Waititi and Sylvester Stallone.