Co-directed by Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan, The Addams Family, like the television series, the animated movie is silly and dorky. The infamous family once again arrives in a different version – animated.
The television show went from featured film to Broadway and now back as an animated feature film. The family’s trademark of snapping their fingers is being played up in the trailer.
The studio is calling the movie the “first animated comedy about this creepy and kooky clan.” The conflict that keeps the story the movie interesting is not revealed yet. We know the family is still weird, outlandish, bizarre, and keeping to the original Addams Family behavior from the television show.
The all-star voice cast includes Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz, Finn Wolfhard, Nick Kroll, Bette Midler, and Allison Janney.
Here is the Instagram version of the trailer. The difference is it’s shorter, and there are captions like a meme.
The next trailer tells us more about the story. Wednesday altering the class Science project by bringing the frogs back to life is hilarious.
The next movie clip shows what to expect from beginning to the end of the movie – intentional mishaps to and fro.
The next clip is for those diehard fans who watched the television series, Broadway show, and movies.