Directed by Chris Addison, The Hustle is a hilarious movie with two dynamite comedic actresses. The comedy stars Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson as scam artists. Wilson plays a low-life scam artist while Hathaway places a high-class scam artist. They team up to take down the dirty rotten men who have wronged them.
Addison credits include writing and producing tons of episodic television shows like Veep, Dr. Who, and The Thick of It.
The second trailer shows more hilarity to the story. These two women are complete opposites and make situations funny.
The movie clip shows the conflict between the two women. One wants to be taught how to be a high-end con artist while the other doesn’t want to share her secrets.
It looks like the two ladies are a team. They are competing to see who is the first one to swindle $500,000 from a man. The music in this clip is interesting because it seems like it’s there to keep the scene interesting. Seeing Hathaway as an English snob is a new character for her.