Directed by David Yarovesky, who brought us, Guardians of the Galaxy and Slither draws our attention to a new genre he’s started called “Superhero Horror.”
Not for the weak heart who dreams of Superman and Captain America, a child, played by Jackson A. Dunn, from another world crash-landed on Earth. A couple, played by Elizabeth Banks and David Denman, adopt him, and instead of becoming a hero to humanity, he proved to be something far more sinister.
Horror fans will go crazy over this movie, and they’ll demand a sequel after sequel. With that, I warn you to be careful when you watch the movie trailer. The ending is similar to The Prodigy trailer.
The movie is scripted by cousins Mark and Brian Gunn, who may relate very well to the producer James Gunn. The Gunn cousin’s credits include quite a bit of episodic TV shows.
The rest of the cast looks strong, including Matt Jones and Meredith Hagner.
The second trailer is much better and scarier, and it shows us a lot of what happens in the movie. That is good, and that is bad. It is good because we can see it is a blood-curdling horror movie. When his eyes turn red, oh boy, lookout, it is bad because we know what happens in the movie. Spoilers!
The “Indestructible” movie clip shows Brandon discovering his alien talents. The look on his face says it all, “Look out, world, here comes an evil superhero.”
I’ve included the Elizabeth Banks soundbites because she articulates the story so well. She understands this movie and knows what it means to create a horror-superhero movie. She shares with us what it’s like to work with Yarovesky.