Directed by Jason Reitman, who brought you Juno and Young Adult, Tully follows Marlo, a housewife of three, played by Charlize Theron. Her brother gifts her a nighttime nanny named Tully, played by Mackenzie Davis. Marlo is initially uncertain about the extravagance, and she forms a unique bond with the thoughtful, surprising, and sometimes challenging young Tully.
The trailer is touching and honest, but they have released not very much information about the movie except this trailer.
I laughed when I saw this clip. Not because it was funny but because of the way Theron delivered her lines. A true breastfeeding mother who tries to make the best of it.
Here is a poignant movie clip about the tough time that Theron’s character or all mothers go through.
The second trailer differs a little from the first trailer. We get to see the husband and more of the children.