Directed by John Krasinski, A Quiet Place is a supernatural horror movie teaming up husband and wife, Krasinski and Emily Blunt. The movie also stars the Millicent Simmonds of Wonderstruck. The trailer is eerie but beautifully shot. The overall plot is being kept under wraps.
There is a sinister shadow in the poster. I am not quite sure why she is in the bathtub. If you have seen the movie, you know why, creepy.
The Blu-ray and DVD hit the streets and is streaming as well.
The TV spot promotes this as the final trailer. This trailer shows us everything about the movie. If you had doubts it was scary, well, no more doubts. This movie is intense – a rocket ride to horror.
The second trailer is more intense and scary. It tells you what the story is about and how the family tries everything to be quiet. We also find out Emily Blunt’s character is expecting a baby.
The TV Spot arrived. It’s a condensed version of the trailer, but I like it.
The featurette shows John Krasinski talk about the movie and explains what happens in the movie and the overall storyline.