Directed by Niels Arden Opley, who directed Girl with the Dragon Tattoos, Flatliners follows five medical students, hoping to gain insight into the mystery of what lies beyond the confines of life, embark on a daring and dangerous experiment.
A remake of the 1990 movie with the same title starring Julia Roberts and Keith Sutherland, by stopping each student’s heart for short periods of time, every time it triggers a near-death experience.
As the investigation becomes more and more perilous, they are forced to confront the sins of their pasts, as well as contend with the paranormal consequences of trespassing to the other side.
Peter Filardi, who wrote the original 1990 screenplay receives “Story By” credit along with the movie’s screenwriter Ben Ripley.
I am curious how the movie will pan out because Joel Schumacher directed the original movie and has stellar credits including The Phantom of the Opera, Batman Forever, and Phone Booth.
Watching the trailer, I’d say this movie is even darker with a strong cast.
It looks like the remake is following the original by discovering their wicked past.
Great interview with three of the actors in the movie.