Directed by Lino DiSalvo, Playmobil: The Movie is an animated action-adventure about a top-secret organization that caused citizens from different lands to vanish from thin air.
The dashing and charismatic secret agent Rex Dasher, voiced by Daniel Radcliffe, partners with smooth-talking food truck driver Del, voiced by Jim Gaffigan, and Marla, voiced by Anya Taylor-Joy, a smart, savvy civilian with her own secret agenda.
Together they plan a rescue of the citizens going against unthinkable odds, the trio goes on a fantastic journey across stunning new worlds as they gather clues for their rescue mission.
Goes without saying, the movie comes from the Playmobil brand toys. Also starring as voice actors in the movie are Dino Andrade, Gabriel Bateman, and Ian James Corlett.
Blaise Hemingway, Greg Erb, and Jason Oremland wrote the screenplay with story by DiSalvo, who started in the business as an animator.
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