This is the sixth installment of the Alpha & Omega franchise, and some of the scenes are funny and cute with a wonderful musical score. The animation is of poor quality and blurry at times. Still, the 47-minute movie will entertain the kids.
The movie starts with a “65 million years ago…” and we watch to cartoonish dinosaurs facing the destruction of their civilization. We then cut to and follow Humphrey and Kate with their three pops when they are forced to find a new location for their den.
Their new place has kind of a unique name – wolf-burbia, a nice play on the word “suburbia.” While they are moving into their new grounds, they discover Amy, an affable dinosaur who is unfamiliar with the new world. The scene where they meet Amy is really cool to watch and each facial expression will engage your kids.
Amy is a friendly raptor that magically comes to life when she is uncovered during a big dig. The pups and their forest friends show Amy the wonders of their new world and must work together and try to stop the diggers from unearthing the dangerous T-Rex before it is too late.
The movie is great for kids, teaching life lessons about being a good friend, helping your friends, and confronting and solving problems.
The trailer for the movie is no longer available at my YouTube Channel. The above link to the movie takes you to Amazon where the trailer is still live. Parents can view it and see if the movie is appropriate for their kids.