Directed by Jayson Thiessen and Ishi Rudell, the story begins with Twilight Sparkle because she can only go from the human world to the pony world. It has been quite some time since she was in contact with any of her human friends. When she comes in contact, it isn’t the Twilight they know. Simultaneously, all six human friends are getting better control of their hidden magic powers. This is good because they must learn how to control their powers for the friendship games at Canterlot High School—an athletic and academic competition between rival schools.
What is fun about this movie is that it reinforces the idea of developing a positive reputation for My Little Pony Friendship. The storyline keeps the characters in exciting circumstances along with twists and turns while learning essential messages, such as when help arrives, it is best to accept it.
The animation looks very doable in 2-D. Sen and Rudell took a creative turn, including 3-D camera shots. The voice talent for the characters works well. Tara Strong is Twilight Sparkle’s voice, which really sparkles while one can pity her flaws and intolerable actions.
An impressive scene that comes to mind is where they are on a dirt bike course, and two main characters compete with the enemy high school. It includes Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. The race starts well, but Twilight Sparkle inadvertently casts a strange magic spell, and the entire race goes whacky.
Following the TV show will help you understand the characters, but it is not truly necessary. The first movie, My Little Pony: Equestrian Girls, is quite popular, and you should watch that one first to help you understand the overall story.