In the manner of Air Bud, this live action movie features the voice talents of Rob Schneider (Grown Ups) in a familiar story of quest and the rescue of the World Cup. A rag-tag gang of international talking dog mascots must save the day and foil the plot of villains planning to sabotage the Youth World Cup soccer finals.
The laughter launches when the two villains try to cover up their identity because they want to find the trophy. The story will never get monotonous as Rex and his canine mascots unite to stop the thieves. By helping to stop the thievery the canines also help Ryan and the coach return to the game and go for the win.
The DVD includes a behind-the-scenes featurette with “The Making of Pups United” featurette and miniscule bonus episodes. It is something consider for your library to help keep your kids entertained with the wintry season coming up.
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