One episode follows Orion, who unlocks every sixth ranger power while his helmet morphs revealing each one of the power ranger’s helmet designs with his costume. As a result, the rangers lose their energy because it is taken from them when Orion morphs. How will they get their power back? It is such a fun story to watch.
Another episode with a quirky twist is where one of the monsters becomes smitten with one of the rangers. A love triangle forms because another monster is trying to destroy the ranger to have the female monster all to himself.
The next episode is about two of the rangers who switch bodies. It’s hilarious when they adjust, learn how to be the other power ranger, and notice the disparity in their personalities. They even try to discover what trigger the change.
In another episode, Tensou ventures outside the command center in order to see the arrival of a fierce storm. It approaches quickly, and Tensou is hit by lightning. He loses his memory and is lost. The other rangers search for him. Once they find him they do everything in their power to help him recover his memory.
I can see how the kids will go crazy over these storylines. Overall and of course, The Perfect Storm will please any Power Ranger fan.
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