“No Solicitors” Trailer and Poster

Written and directed by John Callas, No Solicitors is a creepy, campy horror movie with a thread of political satire. It was a Fright Night and Scare-A-Con Film Festival Winner.

The movie follows Lewis Cutterman, played by Eric Roberts. He is a well-respected brain surgeon who is happily married with two beautiful children and runs the family business. They seem like model citizens within the community.

An invitation to dinner greets a typical visit to their home by a real estate agent. The except dinner takes a macabre turn when the solicitor finds herself drugged by the family.

Gradually, she wakes up. The solicitor soon discovers that the kid’s family business is to farm out their internal organs to needy patients.

Callas fills the movie with eye candy and silly, offbeat humor. My husband was a solicitor, and I understand the need to make a living. But solicitors can be annoying. No Solicitors put a new creepiness to door-to-door salespeople.